Monday, October 13, 2008

Cinderella and Hanzel and Gretel

1). uses nature as helper
a). these later become fairy god mother

Hanzel and Gretel
1). Folklorists say this is "Children and the Ogre" type of tale
2). Englebert Humperdink made the other children turn to gingerbread
3). 1rst time in woods, Hanzel uses pebbles to find his way home
-when mother asked what he stopped for, he was looking at his cat
4). 2nd time in woods he used crumbs the birds ate
- this time he was looking at his dove
-birds lead to their entrapment and escape
5). Brunno Bettleheim said this was a warning for curious children (Greed of children)
6). The witch had red eyes
7). Hanzel used a bone as his finger when the witch checked to see how fat he was

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