Sunday, September 14, 2008

Deep Thoughts with Brandon Spevacek

After re-reading the Juniper Tree I felt like a sledgehammer hit me in the head. Why didn't my parents read me this story while I was young! I have a theory about the whole idea behind why we have children's stories. What is the point of The Juniper tree? What is the moral? I love what Professor Sexon said "The point of the story is the story!" There is no point to the story, stuff just happened. Isn't that a beautiful lesson in itself! Things in life just happen for no rhyme or reason. Good things happen to bad people, bad things happen to good people and vise versa! You can't plan everything that comes your way in life; the best you can do is deal with things as the come to you, live in the moment. Where are children when we are telling these stories? They are right there, right in the moment processing and dealing with this story. This in itself teaches kids how to deal with things in the moment! damn my head hurts!

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